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My work with my clients is sacred.


My work with clients is sacred.  It is my aim to honor each person and to offer a compassionate container for all that arises in our work together.  In partnership with each client, I help facilitate a discussion around past celebrations and challenges as well as future goals without any judgment, shame, blame, or sense of right or wrong. 


Psychotherapy & Compassionate Coaching 


Below is a list of some of the problems and concerns that individuals bring to therapy and/or coaching.  This is by no means a comprehensive list. Rather this gives you an idea of some of the issues I address.  


Attachment and how it plays out in relationships - by early childhood our attachment style is set.  This guides us and shapes how we show up in relationships; with friends, with colleagues and with intimate partners.  Are your relationships not working for you? We can examine this together.  


Behavior change support - whether it’s managing money better or learning to trust your intuition, we can examine where you are with regard to the behavior you want to change and help you move forward toward your growth edge.


Parenting challenges - “If we value our children, we must cherish their parents.” - John Bowlby 

Are you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated in response to your child’s / children’s behavior? Are you needing some relief?  We can work together to deepen your connection with yourself and with your child / children, in order to bring more fun and ease in the parenting realm.  


Conflict with: family of origin / chosen family / intimate partner / general interpersonal conflict

While conflict is normal, it’s very challenging.  Let’s join together to utilize the “language of the heart” – nonviolent communication / compassionate communication – to deconstruct the issues at hand and to increase self connection and connection with others.  


Anxiety and depression - 1 in 5 Americans experience a challenge related to mental health each year.  If you are noticing any shifts in your mood and/or sleeping/eating patterns it’s important to get support right away.  


Grief and loss - Grief and loss is a natural part of a long life, and is made easier with support along the way. I can easily support you through the challenges of the grief and loss process.  


Stress management - Life is stressful nowadays and stress management is more important than ever.  Let’s talk more about how you can achieve the life balance you deserve.  

Life transitions - New job? Job loss? Recent move? New baby?  While some of these situations are chosen and positive in nature, they fall into the category of change or transition, which can be stressful.  If your recent life transition has triggered concerning symptoms or patterns we can examine how to get you back on track.


Bodywork for Wellness and Life Balance 

We humans habituate to everything in life, both the good and the bad.  Unfortunately, with our current fast-paced modern ways of living, many of us are habituated to being in a state of stress, to having entrenched tension patterns in our muscles, and to being anxious and sleep deprived.  Many people don’t sense how stressed they currently are until they experience many negative symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension, racing thoughts, explosive anger, aches and pains, etc.  Given the well known body / mind connection, working with a person’s body has a positive impact on their mental state, which is why bodywork is a very effective intervention to achieve life balance and a sense of well-being.  

I work with people on their goals to decrease muscular tension patterns in their bodies and to ease anxious thought patterns in their minds.  Integrated Bodywork is a very healing neuromuscular intervention that helps drop a person's nervous system into a parasympathetic state (aka safety).  Once in a state of safety, a person can easily utilize both a calm mind and sharp gut instincts to manage any challenges that occur in their life.  Further, while in a parasympathetic state, a person is more effective at managing life stressors given the benefit of more bandwidth and energy rather than operating from a place of depletion and overwhelm.  Most importantly for growth purposes, being in a state of safety allows one to process emotions more quickly and efficiently (e.g. being able to cry when sad versus just feeling sad and not moving through the feelings effectively and releasing).  Receiving regular bodywork is a wonderful way to reduce stress, to maintain a sense of wellness and balance in life, and to maintain emotional health.  

Therapeutic Influence:  Raising awareness and awakening healing opportunities with 3 approaches 


Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (SP) 


In my sessions with clients, I hold space for healing by helping them develop the skills to mindfully sit with, notice and describe any emotional pain. Together we notice what is coming up in any given moment and through the awareness of the body and how feelings and sensations are stored in the body clients can heal their emotional wounds and release stuck energy patterns.  


Like in other body awareness therapies (like Feldenkrais, Essential Somatics, Yoga, etc.), we slow down in the session and notice what is coming up in the body, or the “soma”. However, unlike in other modalities, our focus is on noticing what is coming up in the body in the present moment through a psychotherapeutic lens rather than a somatic one; we might call it body psychotherapy, or embodied psychotherapy.  


It is through this heightened awareness and paying attention in a specific way that allows clients to heal different layers of their psyche.  By using their sensory ability to observe, learn, listen, and touch in with a part of the psyche that needs healing, they can shift things by gaining new information about the injury causing the emotional symptoms that are presenting themselves in the session and also perhaps a method of releasing the energy around those wounded parts.  


This meditative awareness is very important in the sensorimotor psychotherapeutic modality.


Compassionate Coaching

Life moves fast, and many times adjusting to change requires us to seek support and ongoing coaching.  I really love the coaching side of my business as it allows me to support people in learning new habits and skills that will allow them to manifest the life that they want.  


I offer trauma-informed coaching to help clients discern what is working in their lives and how to make adjustments to leave behind what is no longer serving them.  I find that the skill of discernment takes some time as parts in our psyche are really good at pulling the wool over our eyes and deceiving us into thinking that some elements in our lives are good for us when they really aren’t.  Honoring the sovereignty of the client, I gently guide and sometimes challenge them to see things from a different perspective, one that may lead to behavior changes that would deeply positively impact them.  I ultimately trust that the answer is within the client. 




I am thrilled to currently offer bodywork to assist clients with their healing goals.  As we now know, emotions are stored in the body. Therefore, it's important to consider different somatic methods to facilitate healing.    


Integrated Bodywork 

Integrated bodywork is an Asian style of healing art inspired by Chinese Medicine where the client is fully clothed and receiving light to moderate touch on a massage table.  Like with acupuncture, my focus is waking up the client’s energy system and opening their meridian lines, just with my hands and fingers.  


My Purpose - facilitation of greater connection to self and others 


I believe that every being is connected and that we all deserve happiness and freedom.  In that we are all connected, it is in our best interest to lift each other up into vibrant health and wellness; a space in which we can thrive and possibly consider how our thoughts and actions have the potential to contribute to the greater good of all.  I see my role as that of a partner who can collaboratively work side by side with clients as they work toward thriving in mind, body, and spirit.  


While I define myself as a Holistic Body Awareness Psychotherapist, I want to honor that we all walk a different path.  For example, not everyone is ready to live their life without the aid of psychotropic medications and I want to offer the reassurance that I would respect and support each client wherever he/she/they happen to be on their healing journey.  Everyone is welcome in my practice!  


How I practice


I see my role as that of a collaborative partner with whom my clients can walk their healing journeys.  Using mindfulness-based techniques I facilitate a clients’ connection with him/her/themself through body-oriented talk therapy, compassionate coaching, and bodywork. 

“Nichole has probably helped me more than any previous therapist. Her warmth and kindness makes for a comfortable sharing environment and one in which trust is readily formed. She has honed her therapeutic skills, through her training at UM (the number one rated school of social work) and through years of work. Nichole has helped me move forward from past trauma and cope better with day to day stressors. She is happy to share her tools, whether these are strategies, book recommendations, or other holistic healing modalities. Her comfort with alternative spirituality/metaphysics allowed me a safe space to share my own beliefs.  

I also appreciate that, unlike other therapists I have met, she is not focused on retaining clients to the extent that she hampers the healing process. Rather, she is committed to supporting clients as they journey to wellness, even though that means they will end their therapy with her at some point. She certainly has my full endorsement.”
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